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Feminist Slam "Sicario"

Feminist Slam "Sicario"

Just watched this on the advice of this thread.

The movie sucks.

The characters have no likability - even with awesome actors like Josh Brolin & Benecio Del Toro - the script jumps around and has little congruency. Sure enough a quick view of imdb indicates this is the first screenplay this guy has written, and it shows. The writer put all sorts of weird shit in there with no bearing on anything - for example, a bunch of dead bodies stored behind drywall. All you know is their kidnapping victims and that's it. Little relevancy to the rest of the movie.

The two idealistic "rookies" are annoying as hell, constantly questioning the motives of their special ops for the entire 2 hrs of the movie. I could understand some scenes of questioning the special ops motives but not for the entire movie. Absolutely no character development in any of the characters throughout the whole movie.

Then the dialogue - the dialogue was poor even for a B movie. "Step away from him right now. I mean it. Or I'll shoot." The dialogue runs through every B-movie cliche and platitude.

I can only think that other posters on this thread like the movie simply because feminists hate it. Simply because someone you don't like hates something doesn't automatically mean you should love it.

Two thumbs down from me

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