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Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

"Rudebwoy wrote "Even in multi-cultural Canada, white people are generally moving out of the cities to the rural areas. For the most part the problem is the East Indians who no one really wants to live around."

See, black people can bring the hate also. Do we need to post the countlesss black flash mob violence videos?"

Ease up. You're viewing this as hate, while rudebwoy is only stating what he sees with his own eyes. The phenomenon known as "white flight" is pretty common in the history of most cities when blacks and other people of color began moving north to the cities to find work. Whites didn't, and generally still don't want to live among people of color, so they moved out of the cities. Most cities are just a series of ethnic enclaves, with few truly multi-cultural areas.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

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