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Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

Which Has Better Race Relations?--America or Europe?

^^ That Terrell Owens commercial unleashed a shitload of controversy too. Of course everyone says it was due to the "sexual" content airing on Monday night, but come on, race had a lot to do with it. I think this commentator nailed it on the head:

America finds a blonde woman jumping into the arms of a black man to be hard on the eyes. It just does. No denying that. I remember watching TV in France and saw IR couples on TV like it was no big deal.


You're right and I'm quite aware of that. You say "interracial" and people reflexively think of a dark black man with a blonde woman. I don't know if it's because of porn or what. But they never even look at white men with black women the same way, yet alone say a Mexican with an Asian.


I've brought up that Hitch thing a few times. They even did that shit with the Disney cartoon that featured a black princess. They didn't give her a black prince or a white one for the same reason. They made her partner a brown skin guy with a Brazilian accent. The hangups this country has with race are ridiculous. At least when it comes to the black-white thing. I'm guessing it has to do with the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow and some of that mindset still being in the social DNA. Even back when Billy Holiday was performing, they would make her darken her face with makeup if she was playing with a black band because even though she was a black woman, it was too unsettling for whites to see someone that light performing with dark black men. That's the kind of shit I'm talking about.

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