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el-mechanico's Hispanola adventure

el-mechanico's Hispanola adventure

Quote: (11-30-2011 12:04 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (11-30-2011 12:01 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Your next trip should be Colombia, so you can compare the lies/ tricks these whores use to suck you in, in that country, vs. the D.R.... They have different methods , but the same result, is accomplished.

Dominicans, in general, are in it for the long haul, and to me , are much more cynical about plotting this course of action. Colombians are very short time oriented.

Pusscrook, what do one learns from interacting with these lizards in these other countries in terms of their regular negotiations with lizards in North America?

In my experience, the North American/Western European lizard, is defined by the amount of control the lizard wants. I thinks this kind of lizard could give two shits about your money . As long as she runs the show, it is equal to a Saudi Sheik with access to all oil revenue from that country. Your money, is merely a bonus, but if you were too controlling, she would opt for a much more poor bastard , as long as she retains control. The "third world" lizard, seems to be defined by security, and therefore employs a long term strategy to secure her future in life. It's not that she doesn't want control, (they all do in some way), but this is not the driving force behind the game . Pick your poison. What do you think is the difference?

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