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Player have to's?

Player have to's?

Quote: (02-23-2016 01:20 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I like XXL suggestion, to maintain a 6 month relationship with a hot gal takes work, the amount of thirsty beta orbiters is crazy. Again, I am talking about tough markets in the West.
Same market everywhere. A hot girl is in demand anywhere. Once you can keep your dime over 6 months as a regular you then you're a good man. I'm talking about keeping her completely into you/in love with you kind of connection, not like barely keeping her attention.

Quote: (02-23-2016 01:31 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  


I find that dating a hot girl is primarily working on yourself, your inner player as it were.

Ol girl would get these opportunities just handed to her, while I'm still trying to work up to be the fry cook.

The jealousy, the envy, dealing with the unfairness.

And then you got cats that are objectively better than you always gunning for you.

What should be a bonus to your life becomes a burden.

I'm totally on the same page. The mental shit I have to deal with is much harder than things I have to do to keep my GF engaged and into me. I fight with myself daily just to stay cool and keep her heart and brain hijacked by me [remember that mystery's line? ;D]

Quote: (02-23-2016 01:33 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

@XXL agreed. That captures the essence of being a player. Pulling and keeping her...Or rather letting yourself get caught by her and tolerating her presence.

I think so too. In fact, I can't really imagine any better indication game than the situation where you as a regular guy can meet, get and keep very young attractive girl in demand just by your personality and character traits alone. This is the peak to me. I know that there is another level ie when you're high status guy trying to find a girl who's not after you money but I for some reason I think that it is not as hard as being nobody status wise dating out-of-your-league type of a girl.

Quote: (02-23-2016 01:49 PM)Moma Wrote:  

I find dating the lizard easier than hitting her for the SNL. Maybe my inner game stronger than my club veneer? Once I've hit that fish, I've won and she knows is the dating really that hard?
I'd like to learn from you.

From what I know dating is actually easier once the girl falls for you. In that case, yes, when her heart is yours there is almost nothing that can quickly damage than connection. It can only disappear over time. OK but even then.. the pressure of competition is always on. How do you deal with it? I feel it. I can feel better options surrounding us and the only thing that stops her from dumping me and jumping on the the much better opportunity is our deep connection [which can be weakened]. So it's the emotional thing that keeps us together not rational/logical reason.

Quote: (02-23-2016 02:04 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

It's not that dating a women you've laid is hard, it's staving of boredom and cliche things in a dating scenario that is a challenge or finding a woman who keeps your interest.
What do you mean by "staving of boredom and cliche things in a dating scenario" ??

Quote: (02-23-2016 02:05 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Dating a regular cute chick is easy, all things in considered.

But a dime?

Living with my gal.
Some dude left a note on her car about how he'd been looking at her.

Anonymous stalkers is one thing, but she was shaken to her core.

That's two problems I now have to deal with.
Some creeper
And my chicks legitimate fear of getting accosted.

Date a seven, and loser dudes don't get bold.
Date a dime, you get these outlier dudes gassed up on Hollywood taking their one shot at the three dream girl.

I've seen so much crazy stuff. Even if you were Tyson in his prime, you can't knock everyone out.

And those are the hard threats. The soft ones are even more insidious. Her fake female friends, the onus of beauty...and a not so small number of these chicks aren't living in the same reality.


My girl can go the fucking toilet in a shopping mall without being bothered. All of that shit I read about men being scared of beautiful women and that competition for them is less than for average girls is a joke to me. I dated ok/cute girls. Nobody bothered them on the street, in the mall, on a tram, anywhere. I never had to come and knock some "bold" motherfucker out for straight up harassing my ok girl before. Not until now.

Not only I have to deal with myself, but also with her messy persona and other guys trying their luck.


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