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Madrid, 2nd Tier City in Taiwan or Stay in the USA

Madrid, 2nd Tier City in Taiwan or Stay in the USA

Stop thinking, get on a plane to Spain. Depending on your starting level of Spanish and social skills, it should take no more than a year to be close to native level fluency and to have a good roster of real friendships with native Spaniards. You will never be able to really become a part of the culture in Taiwan, you will be stuck in the role of stupid foreigner. Good for laughs and for banging 7s, not good for long term living or accessing top shelf talent.

I fucking love it here in Spain.

Madrid is cool, but come live in Seville if you can. PM me if you make it and I'll show you around.

My ranking of Spanish cities for overall quality of life (including pussy as an important factor).

1. Seville
2. Valencia
3. Barcelona
4. Madrid
5. Granada (cool place, but loses points for being kind of small and lacking in culture/entertainment compared to the major cities)

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

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