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Aussie heading to Cali

Aussie heading to Cali

You can stay off the Strip in Vegas.Don't get sucked into "you have to spend alot of money" we got sucked in by that and stayed at the MGM..Ok for a couple of days any longer, then go cheaper.Tipping will drive you nuts.Its cheaper to cab or uber in..In LV yank chicks won't give a fuck where you stay they want the Aussie flag..Canadians are up for us too in a big way.

Our dollar sucks shit at the moment and it wasn't worth shopping there back in Oct.
I heard LA is full of Aussies.I went to Arizona and LV.
Make Yank friends they are good people .Even the most leftiod friends I have comment on how hospitable the Americans are.
I loved it over there ,the girls were great and above Aussie chicks when it came to flirting.Know your IOIs cause that shit flys around the bar.
And don't be a bogan.Also wear fitted clothes but not skinny gay shit with a big fuck off t shirt..
I found yank chicks judge on that shit way more than at home.Your accent means jack shit then.
Good times man wish I was going .

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