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Mississippi Gun-Store Owner and Son Die in Shootout with Customers

Mississippi Gun-Store Owner and Son Die in Shootout with Customers

Quote: (01-25-2016 04:41 PM)aeroektar Wrote:  

Quote: (01-25-2016 04:28 PM)mickeyd Wrote:  

Shit like this is why I'm anti-gun. Most of these hillbillies think with the most circle-jerk pseudo-logic I've ever heard (kind of like a feminist). Ex:

Me: why do you need a concealed handgun?
Hillbilly: Because I need to protect myself.
Me: from who?
Hillbilly: From criminals of course.
Me: so you've been a victim of crime and now you see the need for it?
Hillbilly: no
Me: so why do you need it?
Hillbilly: well i saw on the news that everyone was getting attacked and this one time my cousin got harrassed by a homeless guy...

These people live in totally safe environments and feel the need to play the "Batman fantasy" instead of getting real hobbies (George Zimmerman, a classic example). They overspend on diesel 4x4 trucks to drive on good roads and they have no hitches on their truck because they don't own anything that they'd need to tow. And then they go out and buy AR-15's for 1500 dollars, and glocks for 700 dollars, outrageously expensive for how simple modern guns are (the police force gets glocks for something like 300 dollars).

Based on the encounter, I assume that the gun shop owner hillbillies were being belligerent, but still in the right, because it's their store, and the other hillbillies had handguns and were being assholes as well, which led to a shootout. Much ado about nothing.

Unfortunately no gun legislation ever gets through because hillbillies think " omg! the guberment is trying to take my guns and exterminate children!! omg! the evil database of gun owners will destroy us all". But you can't have an automatic weapon, cant have rockets, grenades etc. Alot of "arms" are already banned. And the government knows your address, what car you own, where you work, who your relatives are, and can access bank records, purchases, etc. How the fuck is another database going to affect you?

A strict handgun permit is probably the most sensible thing we need. and stiff penalties for handgun owners without permits. So the legal conceal carriers can keep doing what they want, but the idiots, weekend gangbangers, and untrained get weeded out. And everyone gets to keep their long guns

And you know whats great about America? You have every right to live in a city or state with harsher gun laws. By all means, even pack your shit and move to Germany or wherever.

You know whats even greater about America? We have a political system in which we can voice our opinion, vote, and change our laws. And, for the record, the only thing I support is harsher handgun laws, nothing involving long guns. I think I will stay put where I was born and raised, with my shotgun and rifles, and vote in my local elections.

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