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Male Youtube Celebrity Makes Sobbing Video About Abusive Ex-GF

Male Youtube Celebrity Makes Sobbing Video About Abusive Ex-GF

I cant even give this an ounce of sympathy, a lot of us started as betas, I did some beta shit when younger but I would never let a girl disrespect me, I would never let another person lay a hand on me, I mean even when I was a beta with 0 game I knew when a girl was taking advantage (or trying to) of me, this is just...what the fuck.

What makes it worse are the comments "sending my love!" "Stay strong!" "You will find someone you deserve"

Is this what shit has come to??? A grown ass man crying because his girlfriend was "abusing" him and we all pretend as if that isnt the most pussy thing a man could ever do, fuck this man, I need to move to Russia fuck this shit.

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