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Male Youtube Celebrity Makes Sobbing Video About Abusive Ex-GF

Male Youtube Celebrity Makes Sobbing Video About Abusive Ex-GF

Quote: (01-13-2016 11:39 AM)Wutang Wrote:  

A lot of these Youtube stars make similar facial expressions with the wide eyes and silly facial expressions. It's all about trying to convey how ZANY and QUIRKY that person is. Then you watch the videos and you see them being overly animated and exaggerating every emotional expression - pretty standard Youtube/game streaming pandering stuff.

If you weren't ever exposed to government-created 'youth' (or 'YOOF') programming in the 80's, it was exactly like this: patronising hyper-caffeinated wackiness, simply because they think you're far too stupid to sit still and pay attention.

As always, they always assume the deficiency is your end, and not that both the medium and the message are crap.

Quote: (01-13-2016 04:34 PM)Barbarian_Brad Wrote:  

What we have is broken men emulating broken women.

Radical lesbians infiltrated then controlled childhood, teen and higher education since the 1970's. There was pushback to their toxic conceptions of education through the 70's and 80's, but by the 90's they were firmly entrenched, and fatherly guidance to counteract the programming had been removed from a large amount of male children with the rising divorce rates.

This is the result: broken men who can't settle their problems in a masculine way, so turn to emotional manipulation, seeking sympathy and gaining drama - traditional tools of the weak and feminine to achieve their goals.

I mentioned this a couple of months ago in the thread on Dan Bilzerian fucking the girlfriend of a guy who trash-talked him: I took some shit that I was siding with 'a bully' for my view, but, to my eyes, the guy's response was purely Feminine Manipulation in action. Men are supposed to scheme like Machiavelli, not like Joan Collins. The cuckold - whom earned my disgust to the degree I can't even recall his name - cannot be trusted.

I am simply seeing too much of this feminine crap in current society, to the degree I am now automatically-assuming any Millennial I meet under 30 or so is going to be emotionally-manipulative as any Teen Bitch or Flaming Queen, and that will view reality and experience subjectively, as women always have. As such, I was assume everything they say is their subjective truth designed to protect their narcissistic construct.

Also, I will never, ever expect trust, discretion, discipline or honour from them. It's up to them to displace the stereotype and earn my trust by proving they're one of the good ones, but, until then, every one of them is a natural liar and a bitch, even more so if they've been through University.

These are the faux-men infesting media and technology. These are the enemy.

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