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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Quote: (01-08-2016 07:05 PM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

Exactly. The hate between Asians is often bigger among themselves. Much bigger, actually, when comparing the hate most asians I've come across have for Japan or China... Much higher than any anti-american sentiment. As for europeans, I've heard mostly good things. But still, any dislike they might have for us white devils is much smaller than the inner asian troubles...

A lot of people don't get how it works in asia. Some of it is based on class, a little on looks, and some of it is based on deep historical animosity.

For example in Thailand they dislike Burmese and Cambodians a lot and think of them as evil people for historical and ethnic reasons. Thais look down on them as almost subhuman but if you compare them all they aren't racially all that different. This is especially true if you compared NE rural isaan Thais with Cambodians and Laotians. Very similar. In fact there's a lot of ancestral overlap. Burmese and Thais were united at one point or another in history as well. Plenty of mixing there.

However Thais are quite neutral when it comes to Vietnamese and they ridicule Laotians but look at them as the hick cousin.

These racial/ethnic tensions are all alive and well because they live within close proximity and see each other daily. There's also constant geopolitical friction points.

If let's say a bunch of whites started coming over pissing off locals and started trying to get involved in politics, local occupations, and or mess with actual society then you bet there would be a backlash. Look at how fast and hard the Vietnamese fought against western colonialism. Even during Thailand's ongoing red/yellow political thing any western journalists or "activists" who tried to get involved even for shits and giggles got the boot stomped down on their neck real hard. That is how far novelty goes..

As it is whites are tolerated as a novelty on an individual level and allowed to run limited business enterprise. However can you name many whites who are involved in serious politics or real power in asia? Hell no.

That good natured feeling about novelty would disappear real fast and new cultural/ethnic tensions would surface if people started to play with things that really matter.

Whites are simply not considered a realistic threat like how other asian nationalities view each other in the area. It goes beyond ethnicity but geopolitics and historical stuff that's still ongoing.

However, even then the asian ethnic tensions are overplayed in the media. I've been to plenty of countries where they (publicly) dislike people who they mistakingly associate my ethnicity with but people are cool on an individual people.

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