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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

The issue that TravelerKai brought up is not about fucking women. If you go through his thousands of posts, you'll see that he has offered nothing but advice and encouragement for men wanting to meet women in Asia.

The problem that he and a lot of other guys have is when Western men go to Asia and do not show any respect for the culture. Asians place a large amount of importance on honor and reputation. This is the whole reason the women there are sweet and submissive in the first place.

That means the more aggressive and confrontational attitude of Westerners, even if completely fine in your home country, is often seen as very offensive in Asia.Of course, most Asians tend to understand that Westerners do not have these same values and will usually give a little bit of leeway.

But it does not stop there. As I talked about in my last post, many Westerners actually amp up their Western personality traits. They become more blunt, more aggressive, more loud, more promiscuous.

You see the same thing with David Bond's videos. He purposely inflames situation with local men and shows himself in intimate situations with women without even blurring their faces. Case in point, the video that is posted on the very first page of this thread “Angry HK Guy Confronts Us”, where the scrawny blonde guy is telling the locals that he “fucked her in the ass” and “her mom sucked my dick”.

Is that an appropriate way to behave as a guest in someone else's country? More to my point, do you think he would've behaved the same way if confronted by three guys in an American city? How about Colombia or Poland?

I can give anecdote after anecdote highlighting this same behavior, because it happens all the time. I'm sure others here could do the same.

Most of the pickup crowd also blurs or obscures women's faces, whether it's Roosh or RSD. From the few Bond videos I watched, he puts their faces front and center. It's clear that he didn't ask permission to show their faces either, as he doesn't even blur the faces of random passerbys.

This is even worse in Asia, because these women are now suffering a large hit to their reputation. That one night with him will cause them to be publicly shamed. For what... a few thousand hits on Youtube?

Are we overreacting? Let's get some perspective.

Look at what's happening in the West right now. Europeans are tired of Muslims that move to their countries and don't respect the local laws and customs. Americans are tired of Latinos who move to their country and don't respect the local laws and customs.

Why wouldn't Asians get tired of white guys who go to Asia and do the same? David Bond can't even figure out why people get mad when he causes them to lose face, despite having lived there for a considerable amount of time.

But “oh, Asians are just racist”.

The American Civil Rights Movement was only 50 years ago, for crying out loud. Meaning we're not far removed from a time where black men would be hung from trees just for touching a white women.

And who cares if Asians are “racist” anyways? They SHOULD place more importance on their own people than they do some transient foreigner. If you don't like it, just go to another country.

Again, this is not an issue of having sex with women. This is not an issue of any “glass ceiling” for foreigners in Asia.

The issue is Westerners who disrespect locals and cause them to lose large amounts of face simply so they can have a good time. This is going to cause problems anywhere, but especially in Eastern cultures where “face” is so important.

You can fuck girls without publicly shaming them. You can party without instigating confrontations with local men. You can make pickup videos that blur or hide people's faces (most pickup artists do, as I already pointed out). No one is saying you have to wear a kimono and eat everything with chopsticks, just don't act like an ass and show some self-control/discretion.

And claiming none of this has an effect is crazy.

Look at how many Americans are in favor of a temporary ban on Muslim immigration based on the actions of a very small percentage of Muslims (I personally agree with the ban as well). Even Indian Sikhs often get called terrorists, simply because they look somewhat similar to Arabs.

Yet you think the large number of white guys who act like fools in Asia doesn't cause any negative perceptions in Asia?

Let's not kid ourselves here.

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