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Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

Thirsty Americans Ruining Asia

I'd argue that China is now just getting a taste of what Thailand, Phils etc has had for years. Those places are ridden with creepy sexpats, dipshits and sleazy young guys openly trying to rack up notches.

The answer is simple: dont be one of those dudes, and signal it clearly. Chicks still dig high-value guys.

True players know how to avoid being pattern-matched as "sleazy" or "playboy". And to offer a win-win experience that leaves girls better than they found them, even when you're playing the field.

Just because some dodes put these vids out doesn't mean they're "ruining Asia". If you can still pull quality in Bangkok or Manila, which are by any means the honeypots for western weirdos/losers/sexpats, then I wouldn't worry about a couple of viral vids in China.

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