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Is it a Bad Move for a Married Man to Allow Another Man to Stay in His Home?

Is it a Bad Move for a Married Man to Allow Another Man to Stay in His Home?

Short answer - yes, it is an extremely bad idea. The situation is ripe for something to "just happen."

The Muslims got that one right, anyway - such a situation would never happen on their watch.

Related example: Years back while still in the military, I was a guest of an Army pal and his wife at their house for a few months while at an Army school. I needed a place to stay, and they needed the extra rent. She was a hot 24 year old Latina and frankly, the perfect wife. He was a slightly older white guy, active duty military.

Gradually, over the course of weeks I saw how he treated her and what she put up with from him regularly. I did my best to stay out of the house as much as possible except to sleep, both to preserve my friendship and to give them some space. Oh yeah, and to stop thinking about banging his hot wife. A couple of months later she'd gotten a job out of town, part time. Also, I suspected something was going on outside the marriage but could not prove anything. Other people in our social circle told my friend something was not right, something was going down, he was going to lose his wife, etc. but he blew it all off. I didn't say shit - not my business. When the Army school was all done, I left the area. The funny thing is even though absolutely zero went on between her and me and my friend not once accused me of anything, he turned out to be kind of a jerk anyway and we didn't really keep in touch.

I heard a couple of more months later that they got divorced, she kept up her new job and dated a bit but in the end became a full on lesbian. Apparently, she "discovered" she was gay after hanging out with lezzers. So yeah, he basically ruined a perfectly good woman who was already an amazing wife and could have been an equally amazing mother.

....and yeah, I could have banged that (before she got fat, which she did eventually) without changing any of the long term results. Ok, maybe that wasn't the best example, but the point is don't do it. It's still not a great idea.

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