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Is it a Bad Move for a Married Man to Allow Another Man to Stay in His Home?

Is it a Bad Move for a Married Man to Allow Another Man to Stay in His Home?

My Grandfather told me this story a while back that cracked me up. It would have happened at least 50 years ago.

My Grandfather's mate had a farm in a peaceful valley, where he lived with his wife and teenage daughters. Somehow or other, his family had arranged for a distant relative who had just been released from jail to go and stay with him, trading farm labour for board and keep until he found his feet.

This fellow had a long history of being in and out of trouble, much of which was to do with other peoples wives.

Grandad went fishing one day with his mate a few months later and asked how things were going with the new boarder.

"Terrible" his mate replied. "He's fucking the wife, he's fucking the kids, I'm thinking I might have to start getting around with a billy lid* tied to me arse 'cos I'm worried if I bend over he'll be up me too!"

*Small pressed tin lid for cooking vessel, similar to saucepan lid.

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

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