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Is it a Bad Move for a Married Man to Allow Another Man to Stay in His Home?

Is it a Bad Move for a Married Man to Allow Another Man to Stay in His Home?

One of my best friends and his GF recently bought a house and had a child together, so they're insanely busy. If I can help, I do, so I'll come down for a long weekend to give an extra hand with home improvements, or running errands. He's been a loyal friend, and we've gotten each other out of tight jams before (and into, but that's another story). He trusts me enough to be around his family for days on end, but even still it works out that I'm almost never alone with his GF.

I have zero temptation to flirt with his girl, no matter how drunk I am. Once I've written off a chick, my desire is off like a light switch. That might not be true for other guys, and if I were a host I wouldn't take the chance. More importantly, a man should be more worried about his girl, no matter how loyal she's been.

It's in a woman's nature to get bored with her man once the honeymoon period is over. The phrase "What have you done for me lately" was tailor made to a woman's attitude. Even if you've put a half million dollar roof over her head and given her a good life, eventually she'll come to accept it as normal, and get bored of it. Fear of losing what she has is often the only thing holding it together and keeping her honest, but if you dangle new toys in front of her, eventually she'll bite. I think that's why women more often than men identify with cats. Cats will whine for something, and once you give it to them they quickly get bored and whine for something else.

If you have a friend who wouldn't cheat, there's still the possibility of your girl tempting them. What happens if she tries to get him to slip up, and he doesn't go for it? She'll worry that he'll tell her man, and beat him to the punch. She might accuse him of trying it on her instead of the other way around. Now he's stuck between who to believe. Either way, not a good situation to create.

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