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Is it a Bad Move for a Married Man to Allow Another Man to Stay in His Home?

Is it a Bad Move for a Married Man to Allow Another Man to Stay in His Home?

Modern day Feminism has thrust the words "controlling" and "jealous" onto men. When a woman accuses a man of being jealous what she's really saying is, "I want to be free to do my own thing without being called on it."

Trust is another concept introduced by feminism in the terms of a relationship. Controlling, Jealous, Trust....all used by feminism to promote the agenda they should be free to do their own thing.

Real trust is built over time and it's a slow process. That aside, human beings are prone to giving in to temptation, whether alcohol is involved or not. The only way to ensure your girlfriend/wife doesn't cheat is to remove the opportunities, because she's only human. That's how you control it. Not through game, or banging her really good. Even the best of men in those areas get cheated on if they give their woman enough rope.

As far as welcoming another man into your home for a long period of time, it's probably not a good idea. In the past, I've had roomates girlfriends come on to me several times. I once let my best friend stay with my girlfriend and I but after a week she told me to send him packing because she was feeling uncomfortable. Hmmm..

For a short period of time like a few days and especially if you are going to be around and can control the environment then it's probably ok.

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