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Another depression thread

Another depression thread

Quote: (12-07-2015 01:18 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

^ I agree with OP that that is shithouse advice. Damn, if I believed that life was about suffering I'd probably consider offing myself too.

Depression is a signal that you're doing something wrong in your life, or failing to do something fundamental. Thus its boldily purpose is to compel you to rectify that.

Note the very action of the OP - depressed people often go online and ask these questions to help discover the path out of their depression, and they often post background information to help others with their suggestions. Frankly, saying "just accept that life is suffering" is absolutely disgusting.

Exiting depression is not a medical issue, as OP has become aware. Doctors like to treat it as such because of their pervasive moral failings.

Exiting depression is a case of either discovering the root cause of the depression (through introspection and asking others etc) and then fixing, attaining or dismantling that; or it is a case of just making massive life changes in attempt to re-land in a better place.

That depends on the type of depression. If you're going through a rough patch in life then, sure, exiting depression might be a matter of changing some things.

But some depression is, in fact, a medical issue.

The reason we know this is that the brains of people with chronic depression appear different when looked at on an fMRI. Specifically, the prefrontal cortex responds differently (more info here).

The brain is an organ, after all. The type of depression that alters its response means the brain has ceased to function correctly -- like the stomach that can really no longer break down food correctly. That means some people can't shake it off without some type of medical attention, just like they can't shake it off an ulcer.

Since we perceive the world with our brains, our perception of the world gets re-jigged when it's not working right. So it needs to be taken seriously and treated medically.


I've been noticing lately that deep down liberals and feminists are more anti-science then they'd like us to think, specifically, when it comes to their flat Earth mentality regarding trans-gender people. A man cannot be a woman no matter what. But they're so blinded by ideology they can't see that.

In that light, I'd like people here to be more open-minded when it comes to discussing science that might not fit our own agenda and perceptions of the world.

Yes, whining about depression is like some sort of sacrament to the SJW crowd. And yes, Prozac and drugs like it are all over-prescribed. And yes most people can exit depression if they try.

But there is a group of people who can't. And the reason that concerns us is because that group seems to be men, since they make up the majority of suicides -- by far. That goes double for male war veterans.

The male-ness of depression is probably one reason depression doesn't get studied more. You hear about post-partum depression more than you hear about men killing themselves. That's especially ironic, since so few women even have kids anymore.

This subject deserves more attention. For more info, Google: depression, brain, fMRI with no quotes.

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