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Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 12:19 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

We did that for the Ukraine crisis and it did seem to work well. I shuffled those threads back to EE when things calmed down.

We'd have to decide what topics would go in the new subforum. Possibly these: European politics, immigration, terrorist attacks, Middle Eastern wars, traitors in European political and media elite.

That last one is actually rather important to me. Years from now I would very much like to be able to draw from a list of offenders who are responsible. Even IF we somehow manage to turn the tide (doubtful but I'll bite) there will be a lot of blood to be paid. There will be suffering and huge personal sacrifices will have to be made in order to repair the damage and cultural reprogramming that are currently foisted upon us. We need to make sure that the people responsible will be held to account and most likely that will be a long long list. Because when shit hits the proverbial fan you just know that these same cats are all going to disappear to their respective offshore hideouts, leaving the mess for others to clean up.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

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