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Engineering Field. Any Engineers here?

Engineering Field. Any Engineers here?

Some of the earlier posts in this thread seem negative about career prospects for guys with engineering degrees. I disagree. Engineering is the most versatile bachelor's degree anyone can have. The harder disciplines probably require 50% to 100% more hours of work to complete than a typical degree but if someone already has the degree than there is nothing they can do to get that time back... so forget about it.

Honestly, if I could go back in time then I would have chosen a different degree and if I was an 18 year old in 2015 then I wouldn't go to college at all. It is still difficult to have sympathy for guys who feel like they are stuck in engineering when I personally know so many successful people who aren't engineers but have engineering degrees - entrepreneurs, financial advisors, pilots, IT guys and software developers (who didn't have computer related majors), sales guys, patent attorneys, military officers, real estate investors, etc.

The problem with most engineers (including me in the past) is that they are too analytical, negative and risk averse to take the necessary action to find something better. They want to switch careers without taking much of a pay cut. They aren't willing to take the risk to start a business or do something different.

The opportunities are literally endless. There are many engineering fields with a lot of contract jobs that are more flexible than full-time employment such as I.T. and the aerospace industry. MBA schools love engineering degrees. Software is eating the world and anyone with engineering degree should be able to go to a web development bootcamp and be making high 5 figures to low 6 figures or starting their own company within a year or two.

Unhappy engineers usually need to stop being so risk averse, stop thinking so much, and focus on taking action. Quit your job if that is what it takes to motivate you. I know this post may be a little harsh but I'm glad somebody told me something similar when I was stuck in analysis paralysis.

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