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The noose tightens. Provision for USA to revoke passports of tax debtors

The noose tightens. Provision for USA to revoke passports of tax debtors

Quote: (11-19-2015 12:50 PM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Quote: (11-15-2015 01:54 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

Seems like a decent idea to me. If someone doesn't pay their share, someone else (aka you and me) is paying it. At the end of the day, it's people using resources without paying for them. I'm perfectly okay with deportation or passport revocation.

Well dude..the discussion is about people living overseas. So no, they are not using those services and thus should not be forced to pay taxes to support those services they are not using. This logic is so obvious that the United States is virtually alone in the entire world in taxing citizens who live overseas.

Not to de-rail this thread John Galt style, but this is pretty fucking despicable when you give it a serious thought.

The fundamental framework the IRS operates from is that at the most basic level the only reason "American Persons" have had $ or success in this world is simply by virtue of being born within the American borders or otherwise graced with American citizenship.

You have to pay your fair share, everywhere. Regardless of how much you use public goods.

Meanwhile, 45% Of Americans will pay no federal income taxes in 2015.

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