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Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Resistance to the Islamic Invasion Section of the Forum

Quote: (11-17-2015 01:07 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  


I think I am stuck at level three because once you start doubting narratives, how can you believe that the things you are reading are valid? Wouldn't a true ruling class keep what it is really doing to itself, and allow all sorts of disinformation out as pseudo exposes?

I plan to do some threads on some hardcore documents of proof of it all:

+ Interest Free Money System and why it's the only viable economic alternative
+ Proof of the power of Foundations - Congressional Reece Commission 1952-54 (with selection of documents)
+ Review of the books by Carroll Quigley and what it means for our world

All of that gives you a better overview of real history. And those guys publish plenty of stuff with various hints and even open statements. In addition you can research it in a quite credible way - if you know the agenda points, then you see it repeated again and again. It's similar to the Red Pill - when you become aware of the toxicity of feminism you suddenly see every anti-male and anti-family TV spot, movie point for what it is - propaganda.

There is no reason to engage in "Illuminati symbolism in Rihanna music videos" or stoop to any idiotic level. Even if the real elite is into occultism, it's really the least important thing.

As far as Indians go - if any real armed conflict of global caliphate vs the rest comes, then we can safely assume that Indians and Sikhs will be in the first battle fronts. I served with a Sikh in the military. By age 26 he was married, financially successful and the best shot in our division - got even recommended for sharpshooter training. But of course I don't see it as black and white and don't advocate any vigilante violence whatsoever. Roosh's proposal in the latest ROK article on it is way more radical than I would go.

But when riots come or they go berserk with terrorist attacks and start killing willy nilly, then yes - I would join in the frey, but I expect that time to be short before the military offensive kicks in and returns law and order. We have to keep in mind that all prepping or militia training is just for short-term emergency. I don't expect a collapse of civilization.

A well-defended independent private island would be the best choice of long-term decent living and survival. Even if a future One World Government comes knocking you just say that you are a bunch of wealthy folk living together. That won't be forbidden for quite some time. There is a lot you can do if you can afford it. Downside is that one of us has to earn some 500 mio. $ and be willing to spend a good portion of it. So we should go to work.

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