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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (11-13-2015 03:05 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

You guys should save all the money you're spending on useless supplements /vitamins/etc. and just buy real food. I also used to think all this crap was important but it really isn't, it's just a useless waste of money at best and actually potentially harmful in the long term.

Key word here is supplement. Most guys here probably understand it's to supplement a nutritionally diverse diet.

The problem is that some nutrients/vitamins are more bioavailable from supplements than from food. Ex: Zinc and Magnesium Citrate

And from that standpoint it's cost effective to buy the more expensive, more bioavailable supplements.

This of course goes both ways, I think you are better off getting Lycopene or Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables.

Ultimately as individuals we have to experiment and see which works better. You can accept the guidance offered here, but at the end of the day it's trial and error.

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