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Missouri football players sitting out games until President resigns

Missouri football players sitting out games until President resigns

Quote: (11-12-2015 05:09 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Quote: (11-12-2015 11:45 AM)_GQ_ Wrote:  

There are a lot of racists on this forum. Not surprised.

Try being White.

If I see colour, I'm racist.

If I don't see colour, I'm racist.

If I don't try to help, I'm racist.

If I do try to help, I'm still racist because it's never enough.

If I don't give money, I'm racist.

If I give money, I'm still racist, because I'm not giving enough.

If I don't try to elevate you, I'm racist.

If I do try to elevate you, I'm racist for expecting effort on your part or gratitude rather than entitlement.

There is no winning condition where I'm not always accused of being racist.

This is how identity politics divides us, and makes community and brotherhood between us impossible. I used to think it was, but with the ever-increasing rise of Social Justice since 2008, I've thrown in the towel. It's all just bullshit accusations to grab for power and make others your little dancing puppets, and I can see right through it.

I'm cursed with Original Sin - despite being very underprivileged in my youth - and no matter where I turn throughout my life, it's Religious White People telling me I'm a Bad Person for not being Catholic; Privileged White Girls telling me I'm a Bad Person for being Male; Bitter Lesbians and Trannies telling me I'm a Bad Person for being heterosexual; Obviously-Racist Minorities telling me I'm a Bad Person for Not Being A Minority; and Wealthy White University Liberals telling me I'm a Bad Person for not being a Socialist.

As such, as politely as I can put this: fuck you. My patience with this victimhood bullshit is at an end.

Right on, AB.

The past couple years have been eye-opening for me. I used to think that it might be possible to overcome the divisions of race and class, but this view may have been overly-optimistic on my part.

Certain groups in this country are dead-set on fomenting conflict and spreading malice. They see themselves as oppressed, but they are in fact the oppressors. They are coddled, catered to, and bought off by the corrupt elites. They are radicalizing us and setting in motion a chain of events that may prove hard to control.

All I see when I look around are women and minorities getting favorable treatment at the expense of those of us who never had anything given to them at all. And no one is going to tell me that it's all my imagination. It's a fact.

I have to work three times as hard to get anything close to what some woman or minority gets handed to them.

And now it's gone even further beyond that. I am really beginning to think that they want us all to just die off and vanish, one way or another. We are maligned, accused, berated, disrespected, and blamed for everything.

Our food and water is poisoned with estrogen and chemicals.
Our masculine values and military virtues count for nothing.
Our heritage is being thrown in the trash bin by the universities.

We are being pushed to the very limit. It's not even a matter of masculinity anymore.

I now feel like we're fighting for our very lives against people who openly are trying to destroy us.

I see serious, serious trouble on the horizon.

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