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Missouri football players sitting out games until President resigns

Missouri football players sitting out games until President resigns

Quote: (11-12-2015 04:18 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (11-12-2015 11:56 AM)BallsDeep Wrote:  

It's now come out that the idiot starving himself has a millionaire father.

All this is is assimilated, spoiled black kids showing up on modern college campuses attention whoring their way throughout Instagram trying to make the world think that they escaped through the underground railroad.

If we put all aside, what is happening is very cynical power grabs. Identity politics seemingly is the way to get power and money these days. That saddens me as its a third/second world scenario, where tribes and ethnic groups compete instead of competing everyone on merit.

I just don't think most of these have thought things through. If you continue these hard identity politics eventually you get white identity politics and that probably isn't going to be good.

I also can't be the only one who can recognize these modern SJWs in the leftist anarchist movement of the past. I doubt you will find a single person in such movements who also doesn't buy the full package of socialism.

Good points, all. And right on cue, here is the latest headline: "Black administrator named Missouri System's interim head."

Earlier in the thread, I'd said I though this protest was a "minority coup" by any other name. Looks like that's what it was.

I still want these people to storm the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post and demand the newsrooms match the demographics of the cities they serve.

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