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Missouri football players sitting out games until President resigns

Missouri football players sitting out games until President resigns

These kinds of things starts in grade school when everyone in a contest gets a ribbon; 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place....even the losers at the bottom get a trophy.

It starts when youth sports teams and games quit keeping score. Because keeping score, and having a winner and a loser is unfair. Yes, this is actually happening and gaining popularity:

I remember losing football games in pop warner and how it crushed me. I tried my best holding it back but cried after one or two close losses as did other team mates. It was tough to endure this the first few times as a kid, but it's part of life. Losing is part of character building.

This would be too tough for today's kids, or so the thinking and practice of youth sports today is headed.

It starts and moves on when children are taught that 2+2 does indeed equal 4, yet, if they say it equals 5 or some other number, they are not necessarily wrong. "Wrong" is too strong of a word.

It starts with children being raised by parents who want to be "cool" and liked by their kids. Who want to be the "cool parent" on the block and be more buddies with their children then be parents. The parents back their children's terrible behavior no matter how abhorrent.

If little Johnny curses out the umpire in the T ball game, using four letter expletives, the parents back the child because surely the umpire deserved it.

So, after an upbringing along these lines, the fragile children are now in college.

If something traumatic happens to one of them, say, such as they happen to view a confederate flag decal on someone's pickup truck that's driving by, why, there's no telling what kind of long term psychological damage something like that could do.

They therefore, demand complete change and an outing of anyone who would not immediately condemn and correct such insensitive, racist and damaging behavior.

Even if hoaxes have to be perpetrated to get the social change that is needed, it is okay, because it is a means to a 'just' end. And even if these things such as someone yelling the N word on campus at some students, or someone smearing a feces swaztika on a wall, were complete fabrications and hoaxes, it's actually okay, because, you know, these things surely do happen all the time on almost all college campuses, it's just the perpetrators keep getting away with it.

So the hoax only brings to light a deep, systemic cultural problem that is there, though no proof is ever actually acquired, but it is there. And since it is there, the hoaxes and behavior is justified and celebrated.

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