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Best method for getting her back to my place?

Best method for getting her back to my place?

Solid advice.

Quote: (11-05-2015 11:00 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (11-05-2015 05:14 PM)evilbuttmunch Wrote:  

but I haven't had a lot of success in escalating to sex.

I usually drop bait on date 1 that I'm provider material but picky about who I date.

There aren't too many hard and fast rules to this "game" thing, but choosy provider frame isn't always a panty dropper. (more like rarely)

If anything, traditionally this puts the girl in courtship mode. "Better not act like a slut, because I don't want to fuck this up."

Quote: (11-05-2015 05:14 PM)evilbuttmunch Wrote:  

Are you suggesting that she'll be comfortable coming over my place if the date goes well and any remaining LMR will only kick in once she's at my place and I'm escalating?

I am suggesting that proper game is trying to get her sexual on DATE #1.
If there are subsequent dates, only more so.
If she's not putting out by date #3, Hasta La Vista Baby.

That being said, I know there are a ton of newbs that read this.

By get sexual, I mean don't be a horn dog, but do be sexual.
This is voice, this is tone, this is gently guiding her, giving her tasks to do, but also having fun with her. Challenging her, and taking her challenges down.

All the better if you're in shape, well groomed, well dressed, and are flashing a bit of cash for the date. If I was gonna do the provider vibe, I'd have a money clip, pay with cash, and put the money clip back in the pocket.

Show, not tell. I'd prefer her to wonder what kind of work I do to have a couple of hunskies on me.

So I don't know what kind of date you're doing, but if it's the typical dinner and drinks, here's the typical play by play

- Meet Up with Girl
- Exchange greetings
- Move to next little mini-location - could be from the train station to the venue, or from her/your house to the venue, or if you met at the venue - from the front of the venue to wherever you'll be seated

While you're still getting acquainted, get her living situation and work situation
- Lives by herself
- Nobody is at home waiting for her
- She didn't drive, or she took a cab, or her car is at the venue
- She came with friends, didn't come with friends

You're going to need this for later.

This is the formal get to know you, make sure that both of you aren't obvious losers who made great impressions (in person or online)

From there, the player, or at least someone with my style of game - has a plan.

Chick is gonna be lame and talk about her job, life, friends, and family...possibly some kind of long term goals.

If the dude is lame, he'll respond in kind.

A guy with a SMIDGEN of game will then riff off of whatever she says. He might not take it to the level that he needs to (there's a great Anonymous Bosch post on the topic), but he's generating additional conversation that's interesting TO HER.

Oh you're a grade school teacher, I bet you love it some days, and hate it some other days.

*she fills in*

From there he can start talking about the parents, get her to bitch a little bit....but he can also talk about the students, and when little Jayceon has a crush on Tanisha.

While he's making her laugh and changing the tenor of the conversation, the player is also saying
- I got this great thing back at the crib that's related to the conversation
1) Box of wine
2) Homemade ice cream
3) New puppy
4) Cool coffee shop (that just happens to be next to my place)

Whatever, something cool that you mention on the low and maybe bring the conversation back to at a second time.

So now, the player is bringing the topic to love, romance, relationships, with the idea of sex being in the background.

The player doesn't waste time with his 2-3 hours of entertaining.

I don't see that you have a game plan in mind from what you've written above.

So recap
- Meet, formal period
- He gets her basic stuff
- He gets her logistics (oh you live alone, oh you have roommates, oh you work an important job, oh you're a student with classes @ 11 am)
- Beginning conversation, and transition to good and juicy topics
- Seed a cool after the date activity into the conversation.

By the mid point of the date, after she's talking and is open
- The player forces some vulnerability out of her (if that's his thing)
- He asks her to do something, he asks a penetrating question,
- They take shots or have a drink a glass of wine (or smoke a j, smoke hookah, or dance - something to drop the inhibitions)
- He flirts
- And he's finding a way to break the touch barrier. (palm reading or hand measuring, thumb wrestling..whatever)

In the later stage of the date
- Her inhibitions have dropped
- She's having a good time
- Time is flying

To see if she's amenable to some late night cock
1) Is she flirting back at me
2) Does she recoil from my touch, or does she welcome it
3) Is she touching me of her own accord

If these things are happening,


Now to confirm, personally I like to plant one on a chick (a kiss that is) before we head back to the car to see where her head is at.

A chick can play the game full well, and totally freak out if you try to kiss her. To minimize the drama, a bit of privacy is ideal for both of you.

If she's ducking and dodging, after being all touchy feely before - chances are the bitch is a headcase, and you should either cut your loss, or keep that in the back of your mind.

If she kisses you back, then you have a good indication of where you are.

In terms of getting her back,

A chick that likes talking to me and touching me NOW, isn't going to stop feeling those good feelings when she sobers up a little.

I know her logistics, so I can plan my sex location accordingly.

That little thing I mentioned at the beginning and middle part of the conversation - let's check that out now.

So to recap a second time
- Meet and greet
- Logistics
- Seed the bounce
- Go from a formal conversation to an informal one
- Charge up the conversation with flirting and touching
- Check to see if she's talking to you, liking your touches, touching you back
- Find a bit of privacy and kiss her
- Mention the seed
- Bounce on home and keep the vibe going until you get home

Now if she asks what you're doing here, which should be "token" resistance

"We're just gonna make out, and then I'll call an Uber for you"

Give her some plausible deniability.

One thing lead to another, I really liked him, he really liked me, it felt good...and before you know it she's trending #1 on Chaturbate.

Any questions?


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