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High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

High School Student Slams Principal to the Ground During a Brawl

This kinda shit pisses me off...
To the point i just stopped speaking with urban black people (im black btw)

There is no excuse to behave like that.
Growing up if i ever behaved like that i would get the beatdown of my life once i got home. From my dad, mom or both.
I can honestly say if that was my school i'd drop out and do online schooling of some kind and the take my GED to remove myself from that jungle.

The most fucked up thing about black kids acting like that is it makes the rest of us (law-abiding, educated, well adjusted) look terrible. We get lumped together with them like we are all ghetto thug wanna be rappers/ballers regardless of the clothes we wear.

I wanna say the those WN used to piss me off alot with their bullshit...but when you see a video like these posted all of over worldstar with pride i dont even blame the WN anymore.

I'm so sick of ignorant black people doing dumbshit.

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