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Which country of women has the largest natural breasts?

Which country of women has the largest natural breasts?

Quote: (10-28-2015 01:39 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

My unscientific observation after many travels around the world:

Biggest average

1. Latin American & Hispanic women
2. Italian women
3. Central European women (Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, etc.)
4. White British women
5. Indian women
(Not 100% sure about this last one as I haven't travelled that much around India, but from the small sample I saw, it looked looked promising. They age quickly and horribly though.)

Smallest average
(If you’re a big boobs/tits man then avoid the following):

1. Almost all east Asian countries
(Exceptions exists, but they ARE just exceptions. I personally think that every single big breasted Japanese girl has been permanently locked indoors doing modelling or porn 24 hours a day, cause I've yet to see one in real life).
2. Ireland
3. Estonia/Latvia/Ukraine
4. Most (but not all) African women

Arab and/or Muslim women are somewhat unknown to me.
Anyone have any experiences ?

Italian women definitely have big ones. I grew up in a town with a large Italian population and none of them were flat chested.

Indian women, well I’m Indian myself and I grew up around north Indian women. They’re not different from white UK women in my opinion. Most are at least a B cup and I know a few with DDs and bigger.

I think most women of all races that are not East Asian are of a decent size, but east Asians are noticeably flatter. I was in Tokyo last year and I don't recall seeing any women with really big ones. The busty Japanese porn women must live in tunnels because I never saw them in the wild. I also work alongside a lot of east Asian women (Mostly Chinese with a few Korean), and nearly all of them are A or B cups, with very few Cs.

I think SE Asian have bigger boobs than NE Asians, but that's not saying much...

As for Arab women, I’ve been to Morocco and they didn’t seem any different size wise vs what I saw in the UK.

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