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Pre-emptively Nuking the Friend Zone

Pre-emptively Nuking the Friend Zone

If what you were feeling - the dwindling down was what it likely was - then pressuring just accelerates the inevitable.. which could be any number of things on her end. Girls usually don't run a slow tapering off shit test.

When a girl starts to give just 1 sign of lost interest, or internalizes something about me she doesn't like (disqualifying me after we've been having sex), I go totally radio silent immediately. At minimum make her text/call first. Never initiate.

Nothing's better than leaving them at last sight on a good note, then just never contacting them again unless they do first, then respond at will.

I don't initiate most communication with any woman, it's my life, they can ride or gtfo. Most of these bitches are out-of-sight, out-of-mind thinking about guys nowadays. Some bitches (most) are just shallow idiots, which also translates into lack luster sex no matter what you bring to the table. Once the sex tapers off, well there's no bond left because they're dumb, shallow, and boring. So to secure their ego, it's onto the next guy for the same boring experience of pretty good, average, or lack luster fucking, no matter how much erotic instruction they're given.

Ironically, high # sluts tend to fall into 2 categories. Those that are nymphos and really good in bed, and those that are so shallow the best sex is during the first 5 times, and you can bang them beyond premium porn style with a 15" cock, but the sex just slowly gets worse, and worse because they're literally THAT dumb and uncreative. They go on running carousel thinking it's the guys' faults, when it's them. shallow, stupid, uncreative, SMV only attached to their pussy. So they fade themselves away and are stuck in a cycle of doing that with almost all the guys they fuck.

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