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What to do when a girl is not getting turned on via foreplay?

What to do when a girl is not getting turned on via foreplay?

Quote: (10-13-2015 12:29 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Guys often forget that chicks are wired different than us. With us they just need to tickle our balls a bit. With them you've got to "tickle their brain" first.

You see they view the WHOLE interaction with a guy as foreplay LEARN that

This is where experience with reading their response comes in. There's not one thing that works with 100% of them 100% of the time but there are a lot things you can do leading up to the bang that will get her worked up.

One example is hair pulling. This is a great one IF DONE RIGHT. Im NOT talking about pulling her hair like you did in 3rd grade.

If I'm starting to make out with a chick at one point VERY early on I will slide my hand up the nape of her neck with fingers running up her scalp...almost as if I'm about to give her a head massage. Then I gently but firmly will grab a handful of hair and pull her head back a bit.

If coupled with something whispered into her ear that's calibrated to her responsiveness or your interaction like "Don't be afraid but I'm going to fuck your brains out now" This is a simple but powerful act of domination that they almost cant help but respond to.

Another example of tickling her brain: If pre bang a girl gets a little flirty and the conversation gets sexual at all I always ask;

PT "What's your favorite position?"
Her "Cowgirl, blah blah" (whatever)
Her "What's yours/?"
PT "Well there's one I haven't tried yet but I think it will be my new favorite"
Her "Oh yeah? What's that?"
PT "All the way up inside you and about to come"


Pussy gushing game over.

This is all great advice, especially the subtle movements like guiding your hand up a girl's neck or down her back. The art has become so ingrained for me when I'm actually in the moment this stuff comes second nature, sometimes it's easy to forget newbies don't actually practice good foreplay and what it means to be a good lover.

A lot of guys think you can just make out with a girl for a few minutes and then jam your hand down her shirt or pants and she'll be hot and heavy. It doesn't work like that with most women. [Image: lol.gif]

You'll quickly learn what the girl likes or doesn't by how she responds, if she keeps her eyes opened or closed, if her breathing changes, etc. Some girls (especially those hypersensitive to tickling) don't like it if I'm kissing their neck and move to exhale a bit into their ear. It may sound weird (as it did typing that out), but the girls that do get goosebumps and tend to go a little crazy.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

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