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Short guy game

Short guy game

Quote: (10-12-2015 12:07 PM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:55 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2015 11:46 AM)Baldwin81 Wrote:  

Easier said than done, but be your best self by developing the right mindset and the confidence will come. Worrying about something you cannot control is foolish. Women dig the confident man no matter his height. When you bring that confidence they'll rationalize sleeping with you just like they'll rationalize ANYTHING ELSE UNDER THE SUN (OR MOON).

That's not entirely true, though. I've approached some girls and it's been completely flat, even though I have a good notch count, money in the bank, and some celebrity. There are girls who are flat out not attracted to guys under a certain height, no matter how confident the man is.

Point taken, some taller females that you approach aren't going to be interested no matter what level of confidence you bring. There are, however, plenty of exceptions. There are also a million and a half other reasons why she is not being receptive, as well (including height). At the same time, if a man's insecure about his height going in, then he's already disqualified himself before opening his mouth.

Some shorter females only want to date really tall males. I've tried to spit game at girls who are like 5''1 and say they only date taller guys. At the same time, I've managed to bang girls who are like 5''10. Generally, I find that shorter girls are more forgiving of height, but sometimes it's the complete opposite - they're hellbent on meeting a big tall man. The current girl I'm seeing likes short stocky guys, so I fit the bill.

There's no rhyme or reason to it. Personally, I like short dark haired girls. Some of my shorter friends like taller girls. It's just preference.

There's plenty of exceptions both ways around. I don't take it personally, nor do I let it limit my approach to dating.

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