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Short guy game

Short guy game

Quote: (10-09-2015 04:21 PM)Marcus187 Wrote:  

You have to face reality and realize that most women want a guy that is taller. Although it's not black and white (there are always women who don't care if you're a few inches shorter), the majority of women are attracted to taller guys. It's embedded in their DNA, just like guys are attracted to women with feminine bodies.

I come from a country where the average height of men is around 185cm (6'1") and the average height of women is around 175cm (5'9"). Guys under 180cm (5'11") are simply fucked, unless you have very good looks and good game. The only shorter guys that are popular are foreigners, because they have the 'exotic' factor. Short white guys are not considered attractive here.

It just depends on the country you live in. 5'7" is pretty average for international standards, but short in most Western countries.


This is self defeating and game denial.

I'm fucking 5'8" and I've banged taller, shorter, and the same height.


The majority of women THINK they're attracted to taller guys (albeit it might be a slight bit genetic)

It's your job (game) to convince them otherwise - I have no qualms about banging taller and I always disarm women who hamster that notion because I'm shorter than them.

And for the girls who want tall guys and won't budge ? FUCK THEM.

They just made it easier for you (eliminated them from the dating pool) to ignore them and find ones that are interested in you.

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