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What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

I've heard the mother of all excuses: "My cousin died....". On the same day she sent me pussy pics and wanted to meet up.

Just out of morbid curiosity, since Facebook likes to suggest to you people who you have the number of, I found her FB profile and she posted a pic of her at some party. I hit her up again with "so you seem to have quickly gotten over that dead relative of yourself". Long story short, she was married, probably got into a fight with her man, wanted to cheat, then got second thoughts and wanted to "let me down gently" with her excuse. The sheer gall of some women for lieing is incredible

Another one I heard: "It's windy and rainy outside, don't wanna get blown away lol"

Also it seems that with Western girls, you have to set up dates by using business language you'd use to set up contracts. Like it's not enough to talk about grabbing drinks and having a place, date and time figured out. You actually have to say "Hereby we have discussed all terms of our meeting. So, do we meet at place X on day Y at time Z?" and need to get a "yes" in return from them. Always push for that yes from their side or they'll give you some bullshit reason like "Oh I thought we TALKED about it but didn't agree to actually meet..." or the even more infuriating "well yes we agreed on everything but that was days ago and you didn't message me afterwards so I thought it was called off...."

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