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What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

What are some of the lame excuses chicks used to flake on you

Girl was supposed to meet me at my place Sat night to grab a bite. Hadn't heard from her since the plans we set days prior so I ping her around 7:30 to get this date underway.

me: Hey what up
her: Hey what's up sorry I went out last night [Image: tongue.gif] [looks like she is going to try to use going out the day before as a reason to NOT go out with me tonight lol so I deflect]
me: Sorry or what?
her: Well we talked briefly about hanging out today
me: Yeah come down lets hang
her: Idk if I'm up for driving all the way there this late [Image: tongue.gif] [I live 35-40 min from her]
me: Quarter of 8 on a sat night too late? lol k
her: To drive that far
me: [ghost]

Would we have hung out if we were closer to one another? Doubtful. She was a weak prospect that I cared 0% about but the weak ass flake was worth posting.

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