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The women of Cali vs Barranquilla

The women of Cali vs Barranquilla

For me Barranquilla was a nice surprise in terms of the city actually having some pleasant and clean spaces with green areas in the north. Your analysis is pretty spot-on although I almost felt like the average girl in Barranquilla was just below the bangable range for me...but it's close. But again, I didn't do much night game here and focused primarily on day game.

I think the quality in Cali (I'm here now staying in Ciudad Jardín) very much depends on your location and day of the week. In the south of the city (Unicentro), the quality to me seemed very good on a Friday between 2:30 - 4:30 PM. There was an abundance of pretty girls from many age ranges 17-40+. I approached (doing 90% daygame now) a few girls that were in the 8-9 range (no numbers) and saw plenty in the 6-8 range and got a few numbers in the latter range. Returned to the same mall at the same time (2PM) the next day (Saturday...and Sunday for that matter) and I literally didn't see a single girl that was worth approaching who wasn't already with her boyfriend/husband/extended family or parents. But as far as the looks of caleñas, I've seen quite a few ass implants. And I'm talking like absurdly-sized asses. Every time I see one like that (which is several times per day) I just shake my head in disbelief that some men actually like them THAT BIG...some of them are really outrageous to the point where it seems surreal haha.

In Barranquilla, I think quality can be pretty decent but not great in Buena Vista Mall (from say 4:30-6:30), Centro Unico (during after-work hours during the week), Universidad del Norte, Portal del Prado Mall (4:30 - 6:30), and and the Falabella in the Centro Villa Country and the supermarkets in said malls with the exception of Unico. Although I did find that the girls in Portal del Prado seemed a bit gun shy for day approaches and a few appeared to have the impression I wanted to rob them (they would look at me suspiciously and closely clutch their purses to their bodies), which was both funny and a little bit depressing. The gun-shyness was confirmed with a wing as well. The overall look for girls from Barranquilla almost seemed Arab to me. There's definitely some African blood too but to me, Cali in general seems to have more mulattas and negritas on a whole, mostly only in the south though.

In the end, I would probably pick a caleña over a costeña based purely on looks and sex appeal (ass implants excluded), as there hasn't been enough time yet to meet more caleñas for a better overall analysis on personality.

But thanks for your input chochemonger. You've got some good insight on Colombia and will look for your posts on Ecuador as I'm heading there in a few weeks. Hopefully will spend 10 days more or less in Quito. By the way, how was day game in Quito?

Latin American Coffee Guide
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