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Migrant invasion of Europe

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 09:09 PM)Teutatis Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2015 08:02 PM)void Wrote:  

Germany won't implement any nationalistic agendas because of WW2 and Hitler-guilt, fuck we get called Nazis for giving away credits and money to Greece etc.
I welcome our new third world overlords. We will see some devastating developments compromised of unqualified bottom of the barrel migrants living in Ghettos. I guess they will introduce Sharia laws and doing some terrorist attacks against the non-believers.
The thing is, jobs for unqualified people vanish every day because of automation/IT and the internet - I can't see how a big part of them gets a job above what welfare can provide.

Not to derail this thread but you personally, like any other German, didn't give anything to Greece, your bankers did, knowing full well the Greeks couldn't pay but also knowing they would be bailed out by the EU thus getting their money back with interest and condemning Greek to perpetual servitude. The whole Greek fiasco was just another way for the bankers to enrich themselves more.

Anyway, I agree with you that nothing will be done because everyone in Europe is too afraid of being considered racist.
Bait taken, German banks fucked up. But every German has to pay the bill now through taxes for the bailout. We got called Nazis even for the bailout.
(In my personal opinion. Greece should have gone bankrupt in a controlled way, reintroduced the drachma and the German government could have bailouted the banks like they did anyway, end of story)
end of derail

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