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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

Clinton continues to show she's more of a man than Bernie Sanders is here as a "meeting" with #BlackLivesMatter gets a bit contentious.

This is the second part of the meeting shown here. In the first part the man asked a question of Clinton, basically saying:

"Mass incarceration is a huge problem in the black community and laws passed by your husband with your support have worsened the problem and increased violence against black people by the state. What are you going to do to reverse this problem?"

Clinton suggests that the #BlackLivesMatter movement needed to have particular goals, such as passing a particular piece of legislation or a particular court case, in order to actually achieve their goals. She says that the Gay Rights Movement first started working to get Gay Marriage laws passed state by state, and then focused on bringing a case before the Supreme Court.

Here the guy takes offense at the suggestion:

The man says:

"If you don't tell black people what we need to do, then we won't tell you all what you need to do. What I mean to say is, this is and always has been a white problem of violence. There's not much that we can do to stop the violence against us."

Clinton responds:

"Well, respectfully, if that is your position, then I will talk only to white people, about how we are going to deal with this problem."

She clearly is trying her best to be on their side, but the very fact that she is giving them suggestions seems to upset them. You see in her manner she is not particularly happy to be talking to this guy, and she certainly is not taking Bernie Sander's castrated posture in front of him. By no means does it seem like she's opposed to #BlackLivesMatter at all, yet she just won't let some random guy boss her around either.

In fact, the fat woman to the left is one of the same women who took the mic from Bernie Sanders in Seattle I believe.

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