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How to keep from eating in the evening?

How to keep from eating in the evening?

Hi, this is somewhat related to threads on sleep, but I'd like to address a specific problem I have more exactly:

At my job, my busiest time is in the morning, because it involves setting everyone up to do their work. Sometimes, I already know the day before that the next morning will be really difficult - and this creates a kind of "psychological spillover" to my evening, especially when I go to bed and there is no more distraction. What I usually do then, in order to calm my nerves is: I eat [Image: undecided.gif]

What I've tried in order to avoid this:
  • exhaust myself early in the evening (too late at night would raise my body temperature too much, making getting to sleep more difficult) - but I find that when I have done a good workout, my psyche is weaker and I can justify eating as a reward even more easily
  • watch movies on my laptop to distract myself (I'm already using f.lux to shut out the blue light), but I find that watching movies in bed affects my sleep even more
  • valerian pills - I guess they have an effect on some people, but they don't do anything for me (I'd rather not try stronger, prescribed pharmaceuticals)
  • drink warm milk or tea - this actually helps a little bit to calm my nerves, but not much
During the day, I'm not nervous at all - I guess I can compartmentalize the next morning's frenzy good enough when it's still far away. It's only during the night that some worries come through.

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