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BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

BATTLE OF MONTREAL: Police report filed against Jessica Lelievre

Quote: (08-11-2015 02:19 AM)pdwalker Wrote:  

based on your posting history, I'm going to assume that you're not a troll, or not just trolling today.

I'm sure that Scotian, with his 187 rep points, is glad that you with your 5 posts don't think he is a troll.
[Image: laugh4.gif]

More importantly:
It's not as important what happens to her personally due to this lawsuit but rather that the example be established that being a woman and being in a mob backed with the full fury of public and media opinion doesn't allow you to flagrantly abuse the law.
This makes me think of the mobs that roamed the streets of Rome after the death of Caesar, obviously not similar in their justification: i.e. having their beloved and elected Dictator, who showered them with gifts and restructured the balance of power from the nobles and the senate to himself and the people, killed by a small group of elitist senators. What is similar, though, is the way they act as judge, jury and executioner to any man who strikes them the wrong way and attempt to tear them up on the spot. The mob in Rome tore a senator named Cinna from limb to limb in this rage, thinking he was the Cinna (different man, same name) involved in the death of Caesar.

It is sobering to think that the mob of yesteryear did not have the technology to communicate, talking heads parroting the same false points or as widespread a support as they have now due to the media. The only thing that keeps these current mobs from violence against targeted individuals is the threat of the courts and legal system. If this woman gets a pass due to both the mass of public opinion against roosh and her possessing a vagina then there would be many more Cinna's, innocent men killed simply by being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

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