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Quality vs quantity -or- Why do you bang 5's?

Quality vs quantity -or- Why do you bang 5's?

Quote: (07-07-2015 04:24 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Here's some real life experience.

I've had many friends in life that have been the 2/10wnb troll type day in and out even way before the internet. Even before the Commodore 64k.

You know what they all have in common? Two things.

1. Dry spells sometimes epic

2. They cockblock like crazy playing the WNB card while cockblocking which is lame as fuck ( while secretly trying to parlay their high standards into a lay with the type of girl they claim they would not hit which intensifies after they fail)

Most the guys here can't even decide what a 5 is for one.

Second, dudes on my would you hit thread reject or wnb girls just on a head shot.

Third and this gives away inexperience the most. You HAVE TO TAKE QUALITY OF THE ACTUAL VAGINA itself to rate any girl so unless you sleep with them you don't know what they are.

Haha what? I'm not interested in a quality hole on a beast, who the hole is attached to matters much more.

When people say they got some good pussy last night they aren't saying literally it was a nice vaginal cavity you know?... they are saying the woman was attractive.

If she's a 4 I'm not going to give her a chance because she just might have a nice vagina

... But you're trollin', I know

Americans are dreamers too

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