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Not sure where this first date went wrong?

Not sure where this first date went wrong?

I had a first date early last week that I thought went extremely well only to have it slip through my fingers. I think I botched the timing of the pull back to my place. Here's a quick summary.

30 yo blonde from OKC. Really tall (5'11), kind of a Coachella music fan kind of girl. We met for drinks at an upscale wine bar walking distance from my place. From the moment we met I could feel an intense chemistry with her and her eye contact was quite intense. We sat at the bar and vibed over our mutual love of whiskey, music and photography all the while my hands were constantly touching her arms and hands and the strong eye contact continued. I showed her a few of my photos stored on my phone which she really loved. When our drinks were almost done I said:

"Hey, I have quite a few nice images that are printed on metal, you should come see them."
She paused and then said "oh, you mean at your place?"
"Hmm, I don't think I should be going back to your place on our first date"
I looked at her slightly grinning and said "We'll be fine, I promise"
"I have to get up early, next time...." [Image: dodgy.gif]

So I dropped the subject and we went back to our conversation and then a little while later I took care of the bill and we left. When we got to the parking area our cars were in completely different directions so I said "well if I can't convince you to have another drink with me I guess this is good night." With that I pulled her in and we had a mini makeout session right there in the parking lot. I was the first to pull away and she even had that eyes closed, mouth open, freeze frame look. I said "have a good night" while smirking at her and that was that.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago. I texted her about a trip she took over the weekend and she quickly replied and we went back and forth a few times. Then this:

"I want to hear all about your trip, let's meet for happy hour, what day works for you?"
(Radio silence for a day and a half)
Knowing that texts can sometimes get dropped (I know, long shot) I sent out "So I'm guessing that's a no to HH? lol"
Then this: "Thanks for the invite but I just didn't feel the necessary click the other night to move forward with you, blah blah blah"

I've been on a crap load of first dates, had a lot of first date bangs, even more near misses but this one has stymied me. There most certainly was a big ass "click" in my opinion so I call BS on her line. With the chemistry and vibe we had I figured a second date was a slam dunk.

I'm suspecting I wasn't persistent enough in the pull back to my place and that caused her to go cold? I'm over this girl but I'm always looking to tighten my game and never repeat the same mistake twice. Her vibe, body language and the perceived chemistry leads me to believe this was a technical mistake on my part. Or am I being too hard on myself?

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