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Bill Maher Clowns SJWs

Bill Maher Clowns SJWs

Quote: (06-21-2015 01:45 PM)Onto Wrote:  

Socialism (Based on Existence) = The feminine
Capitalism (Based on Merit) = The masculine

Although middle class, bourgeois SJWs are probably seen as socialists in the US, it is hard to accept this sweeping statement when we consider that feminism, anti-motherhood and the transfer of wealth from productive husbands to consumerist wives have mostly occurred in capitalist countries.

There is no merit in modern 'capitalist' countries anyway because profit is mostly the result of usury and the merits of usury is happening to have money to lend in the first place. As the usurer boasts 'money makes money'.

In the land of usury, there is no need for the muscle of labour or the power of intellect nor creativity. Profit simply comes without effort from the mathematical power of the exponential function. Such a land is ideal for the feminine.

Socialism believes that the real economy is made up of real wealth extraction from the sea and land and with the synergetic power of intellect, natural resources can be combined to create greater real wealth through manufacturing. This in contrast to the no risk, no effort rewards of usury is a land where the masculine prospers.

Contrast the ethos of the productive medieval guild system to what we have now passing as socialism, screaming harpies of the 'collective' demanding transgender toilets in the workplace. The modern SJW is the greatest triumph of the financier.

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