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Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Yeah, I read it as you suggesting I thought it was an option for every man out there [Image: biggrin.gif]

No worries.

I am pretty much the best at what I do in my country; elite level at my line of work. The way I work things now is that I teach people how to succeed in my industry but at the same time sell them either a franchise or a long term consultancy package. It's pretty hands off; maybe 4-6 hours per week and I often don't hear from clients for 6 months at a time with their money still rolling in.

This thread opened my eyes to writing a blog and creating a series of ebooks within my field to scoop up the smaller fish who don't have the money or ability to make the money to pay me long term.

I just don't know how to go about it; I really want to pay someone to set it all up for me.

Any ideas how I might go about that?

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