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Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

"Passive" seems more like a side effect of work you actually WANT to do. Roosh wanted to work with masculinity and banging girls. He had to work hard to monitize that and still, I'm sure, works very hard to put that stuff together. But he also has money from ROK coming in with relatively little work on his part. I think the passive income idea is based on freedom from hours spent in a brick and mortar business, not sitting around being lazy and watching the money roll in.

If you enjoy what you do, you aren't "working" but you're still putting in a ton of time on something. While he might not have to work a lot on ROK, it seems like he's still very involved.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

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