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Occupy Wall Street thread

Occupy Wall Street thread

Quote: (10-14-2011 10:20 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2011 09:20 AM)Brian Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2011 08:40 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

I have been watching this series over and over again, and for the life of me, I can't seem to understand why "progressives", and the President, are now being attacked for class warfare.

Can someone explain to me how is it possible to trust someone who use information today, to promote tomorrow, but conveniently forgets that they mortgaged yesterday?

to answer your question the reason the president is being attacked for class warfare is because he keeps blaming alot of the problems we have on 'millionaires, billionaires, and private jet owners' who 'refuse to pay their fair share'

Is the very source of all this suspicion, the work of guilty minds? Strange , I never heard him "blame" anyone for the acts that got us in to this shit-hole except those who were responsible.

if you think every millionaire, billionaire, and private jet owner is responsible for this mess you are nuts. most millionaire and billionaires are private business owners who risk taking provides jobs for alot of society. ever got a job from a poor man? didnt think so. are there some millionaire and billionaires who got rich off the recent banking/mortgage implosion that belong in jail. absofuckinglutely. but the fact of the matter is that Obama has been in charge for 3 years now and his administration hasnt done dick to pursue those people, all he does is talk about them and use them as an excuse to raise taxes on business owners and people making decent coin so he can continue his progressive agenda of redistributing the wealth around to those to lazy to work for it themselves.

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