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Where do I stand at? (visual)

Where do I stand at? (visual)

Quote: (06-08-2015 09:25 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2015 07:53 PM)PatrykDiCaprio Wrote:  

wich means what typa potencial do I should a guy like me game...

However much you make of it. It's up to you. I think you will be surprised at just how much is possible if you're willing to put in the work.

Also word of advice, if you want feedback on your looks and style, don't do it this way because as others have said, it's validation seeking and the community here does not look kindly on that as you are seeing now. Instead ask if you think there's anything you can improve.

For what it's worth, your hair and facial hair seem OK to me, but I think your style (as displayed in the pictures) could use some work. Also definitely commit to losing body fat.


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