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Feminists are trying to take over Wikipedia

Feminists are trying to take over Wikipedia

A lesson for all men and something to take heart.

A few years ago, I spoke to several media companies involved with publishing both written and video material and was shocked how few of men were involved in the decision making. The room was about 80% female (where is the complaints of inequality), and when they asked about struggling with reaching a male audience, I pointed out that it appeared that women were the ones making the decisions on what men should like. This made quite a few enemies in the room, and the men who made suggestions were immediately shot down by the female peers.

Women don't want to build a successful medium (too much work and risk). But when they realize that it's a successful medium, you can bet that they'll begin to control its narrative. They use the same strategy over and over again - portraying themselves as under represented, harassed (or abused, etc). Think of nothing other than the printing press: created by men, predominantly used by men, and now women have a strong involvement on what gets printed. The internet is no different: most - if not all - of the creators of the internet were men. Yet, we're witnessing a movement, predominantly from women, of trying to seize control of the internet (notice how they use things like harassment or abuse to do this).

In order for women to stay in power, they must control the narrative. That is how you propagandize people - you control the messages they receive. In the long run, there will be no Red Pill/Manosphere books or material because either women will try to infiltrate it and corrupt its message, or they will take over Amazon (and other publishers) and stop these books from being published, or significantly alter their message. To see this in action, you can compare The Lay Guide to The Game; The Game is the feminist narrative, The Lay Guide is not. The purpose of The Game was to get men to read it instead of The Lay Guide.

The point here is that none of this should surprise us. If we want something that is untouched by women, we must build it and keep women from ever having access to the power of it, or be in a position to make decisions about where it should go. I doubt this will happen only because men are all to seduced by turning over their power to women and even some of the RPM men, after finding what they call the "right girl", seem to let her influence what they do. It's Genesis 3 all over again.

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