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How do you break a tie?

How do you break a tie?

I like the randomising option using a dice or such. The problem with choice in the modern world is not only that there are so many things to choose from, which is actually good, but rather the fact that you start to choose the same thing over and over. Basically the ability to get what you want is detrimental to you in the longer term. Because left to your own devices you'll always choose pretty much "the same damn thing" every time. You get stuck in a rut. And while this may seem comfortable, this behavior is setting you up for collapse on account of lack of variation. Not so much a lack of available choices, but the narrowness of the ones you choose.

I'd also recommend all three of Taleb's books which deal with this in a way. He's a smart guy and has a feel for these sort of dilemma's.

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