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Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 10:58 AM)aphelion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 10:00 AM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

There's a lot more going on in this photo than what appears. Instead of a picture showing a happy couple staring into each other's eyes and smiling while holding each other close, it's the complete opposite. The two look absolutely terrified to be getting married as if its some kind of punishment. What does their body language say? Neither is smiling or looking up, both are looking down and the girl is crying. Doesn't seem like a happy event to me. It looks like two innocent kids doing what they have been told is right, but in their gut something is wrong. Neither is able to articulate it, but the body doesn't lie.

The picture represents the psychological suffering of young people today. Neither male nor female knows how to think for themselves and neither is willing to put in the work to do so.

Dude, no.

If you've never been religious before I can understand (sort of) how you'd miss this but your interpretation is completely backwards. In ordinary Christianity it's tradition to bow your heads when you pray as a sign of respect to the God you're communicating with, and to speak with solemnity.. That's why they're looking down without gigantic smiles on their face.

The girl is crying because of overwhelming emotion of the moment, but it absolutely doesn't mean she's getting traumatized here.

They're looking away from each other because they're hiding around a corner so that he doesn't accidentally lay eyes on her, per the tradition.

The analysis you're doing here is like taking a freeze frame of a television announcer, and assuming he's drunk on the job because his eyes are half-closed in the still shot.

Ya, girls cry about literally everything.

It's the guy who should be crying.

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